
Ketua Islam Pimpinan Sejahtera Undang Tubuh Negeri

Salam sejahtera Salam 1Malaysia saudara-saudariku Hamba Allah,

Leadership is not exploitative.

When a leader meets a people who speak a different language and are obviously strangers to him, he treats them with a sense of service, not greed. Even though they themselves offer to pay for him to erect a protective barrier against foreign attackers, an Islamic leader does not demand more, he does not even accept what he is willingly offered because he does not want to exploit their weakness. Maybe if they fought him and lost, he may expect something from them, but not when they basically surrendered and exposed to him their weakness.

So like a good leader, he is generous. In his generosity also, he remains humble, because he remembers that even what he has is given to him by Allah SWT, and says so. He also realizes that the power that Allah SWT has blessed him with is only a means to serve Allah. He serves Allah through being a servant-leader to his people, i.e. taking care of their needs.

[4.] He said: “(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute): help me therefore with strength (and labor): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them: [18:95]

Inilah kepimpinan Islam di pandu dengan teguh dan tenang Sdr Mohd Najib, Sdr Muhyiddin, Sdr Dr Khir & Sdr Khairy serta kepimpinan bandar, pinggir bandar,kampung dan bukit yang bijaksana mentadbir urus Kg Kurnia Islam Malaysia dengan jaya, sentiasa rendah hati, mudah didekati, mesra, prihatin, pelbagai inisiatif membantu rakyat, menyapa warga tidak kira bangsa dan kedudukan dan memahami kehendak rakyat baik di Kangar Perlis mahu pun di Ranau Sabah, bumi bertuah. United Malay Islamic sentiasa memastikan kesucian Islam di kunci dan di paku dalam undang-undang tubuh negeri-negeri Kuala Perlis, Pontian Johor, Bau di Kuching dan Tip of Borneo di Kudat, Kg Kurnia Islam Malaysia dipayung Sultan Pemerintah Bijaksana lagi penyayang, dipastikan nama Allah dan Islam sentiasa suci abadi.

Jauhi Sang Rang Bulan dan rakan yang tidak memelihara nama suci Islam dengan sentiasa berdolak dan berdalik umpama batang kayu dilanggar tsunami.

Sekian, moga pimpinan PEKEMBAR dirahmati Allah. Ameen