Masyarakat Rakyat Bapa Transformasi Islam Gemilang Utama Undi Islam Sejahtera
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger
When voting, Muslims—and non-Muslims—should give priority to the public interest over their own personal or private benefits. Therefore, voting for the most qualified person—irrespective of his or her background or gender—is a duty.
Among the well-established values of Islamic shari`ah are “the interest of the community takes precedence over the interests of the individuals” and “the permanent benefit takes priority over the temporal one.” Therefore, Muslim voters should be more interested in the candidates who are more eligible to secure the public interest of the country.
Imam al-Ghazali (d. 505 AH) unequivocally affirms the principle that shari`ah gives priority to the public general interests over the partial or private ones, saying, We certainly know that shari`ah does give precedence for protecting and securing the kulli (public [interests]) over the juz'i (partial [benefits].
Dengan berkat Allah swt, Pimpinan Kg Kurnia Islam sentiasa diganti, dilapisi, di pilih secara bijaksana oleh warga Kg Kurnia Islam Malaysia yang sentiasa mengutamakan keamanan, keharmonian, kedamaian dan tenteram aman kampung, pekan, bandar dan Tanjung Pelepas. Allah juga telah memilih pimpinan Melayu Islam yang fokus kepada kepentingan awam, masyarakat dan kehendak orang ramai di semua pelusuk tanahair.
Bapa kemerdekaan Islam berdarah Raja Islam Tunku Abd Rahman hinggalah seorang Bapa Transformasi Gemilang Islam DS Mohd Najib, didokong penuh oleh TS Muhyiddin, guru besar di sekolah terbilang dan anak muda Melayu Islam tersusun kata dan bicara Sdr Khairy dan Sdr Dr Khir menepati saranan Imam al-Ghazali yang menyatakan pilihlah Pimpinan yang ada prinsip rakyat didahulukan dan diutamakan.
Jauhi Sang Rang Bulan dan Sang Roket bermata biru yang hatinya sentiasa berbelit yang sedia memecah Islam untuk dirinya sendiri.
Allah Almighty knows best.
Sekian, wassalam