
Role Pemuda Islam Muslim Youth Pelan Strategik Interim



Knowledge is light. It is then the duty & responsibility of a few individuals to stand up and seek knowledge and then share this knowledge with everyone:

S14V1 (Surah Ibrahim): “ A Book which We have revealed unto thee , in order that thou mightest lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light…”

Islam encourages child rearing in the manner described in the following hadith:
"Leave him free for seven years... discipline him for seven… and be his companion for seven". Instruction between 7-14 years of age determines how the person will move towards the right guiding principles by focusing on the inner person, the natural elements of his personality, until adolescence comes along in the fourteenth year, or thereabouts.

When it does, there is subjection to established controls. From 14 to 20 years of age, supervision over the adolescent tendencies of the individual personality continues until the person behaves in a normal manner that takes the futuristic developments into consideration.

Jelas dan tepat langkah pimpinan Kg Kurnia Islam Malaysia merancang, mengenalpasti dan menyusun strategi pendidikan Negara berorientasi dan berfokus kepada anak warga Kg Kurnia yang lebih gemilang dalam membawa Negara ke arah cabaran mendatang dengan acuan yang benar dan tepat - Pelan Strategik Interim 2011-2020.

“Terima kasih DS Mohd Najib, TS Muhyiddin, Sdr Khairy, Sdr Dr Khir dan Dt Rosnah atas pimpinan hebat” ujar warga Kg Kurnia yang ditemubual.
