01 Muharram 1433 - 27 November 2011
Salam sejahtera sahabat-sahabatku,
Allah (may He be Glorified and Exalted) said, "Those who emigrated in the Cause of Allah and after that were killed or died, surely, Allah will provide a good provision for them. And verily, it is Allah Who indeed is the Best of those who make provision." [Hajj, 58].
He also said, "And as for those who emigrated for the Cause of Allah, after suffering oppression, We will certainly give them goodly residence in this world, but indeed the reward of the Hereafter will be greater, if they but knew!" [Al-Nahl, 41]. He, moreover, said, "… so those who emigrated and were driven out from their homes, and suffered harm in My Cause, and who fought, and were killed (in My Cause), verily, I will remit from them their evil deeds and admit them into Gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise); a reward from Allah, and with Allah is the best of rewards." [Al 'Imran, 195].
Actually, the great reward is deserved for the great sacrifice offered by one, who, in favor of Divine Satisfaction, supporting his religion and raising high the flag of Islam, left their country, home and property.
Jelas dan nyata, Pimpinan Islam Kg Kurnia Islam, teraju Sdr Najib dan Sdr Muhyiddin, Khairy dan Dr Khir Toyo telah berjaya membawa warga Kg Kurnia Islam Malaysia berhijrah dari kelemahan Melayu Bersatu kepada kekuatan Melayu bersatu baik bukan sahaja dari sudut Islam malahan dari sudut tadbir urus Kg Kurnia.
Hijrah dunia dan persediaan hijrah akhirat benar-benar selari dengan konsep hijrah yang disambut warga Kg Kurnia. Mulakan dengan doa akhir tahun dan awal tahun serta tanamkan semangat baru.